Gratitude (EN)

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. —Alvin Toffler (disputed quote)

I am grateful for the first 40 years of my life, for the people I met, for the things I learned (and unlearned, and relearned), for the friends I made, for the love and support, even for the kicks, I received 😉 I can only hope I’m wise enough to live my life fully, strong enough to share my love passionately, considerate enough to impart my knowledge thoroughly… I wish I can do it, and I hope I can do it right! I know I can—with your help, we’ll do it together, and there’s a lot of comfort in that knowledge 🙂 I love you, world, and I thank you, God! Thank you, above all, for the wonderful family I was born to, for the special friends I met with, for the great experiences I went through, as well as my good health, good luck, possibly good wits 🙂 I cherish them, as I think they all made me a wonderful person—I’m willing to share my wonders, so I’d be honored to help you, and you’re invited! I’m willing to fix my errors, so you’d be called upon to help me, and I’ll be grateful! Let the rest of our lives together begin 😉