Opinions (EN)

At the end of July, Vladimir Mitev and I had a wonderful conversation over coffee, in Bucharest. Then, about mid-August, we explored some of the same issues in an interview recorded online. He turned everything into a series of 6 shorter episodes, to the benefit of a wider audience (Bulgarian and Romanian translations are also available, this way).

He first published the last section of our conversation, because the Schengen topic was newsworthy at the time. Below, I'm posting the 6 episodes in their original sequence: We discussed about social change in SE Europe, about anti-corruption in Romania, about reforms in Moldova, about the bridge identity of Bulgarians, about agency in SE Europe, and about the elusive BG-RO mini-Schengen.

The links above take you to the Romanian version of the texts, on Vladimir's Bridge of Friendship multi-lingual blog—there, you can also find the original transcripts in English, and the Bulgarian translations. Or you may want to visit his other project, Cross-Border Talks. Also, the full interview is available on YouTube, for the most curious of listeners.

photo source: Facebook/CRJ Moldova, Chișinău, september 2023, when I was trying to understand some subtleties of the Moldovan judicial reform

Social Change in SEE   Anti-Corruption in RO
Reforms in MD               Bridge Identity of BG
Agency/Autonomy in SEE BG-RO Mini-Schengen